5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Grad Trip!

by Amy Davis, 7 years ago

So for all you lucky year 12 students who are counting down the final days til you go to schoolies or you very patient year 11 students waiting anxiously to start your schoolies trip next year, here are some surprising facts about this occasion that you may not be aware of yet!

  1. It’s not just schoolies, it’s a holiday!

Yes that's right, a grad trip is schoolies and a holiday in one! whether you’re going to the beautiful tropical paradise Fiji, adventuring through Hideaway Island in Vanuatu, volunteering in Cambodia or travelling as a tourist through Europe, your grad trip will definitely feel like a luxurious holiday!

  1. It’s just like schoolies but better!

Grad Trip is a very new concept, which creates much confusion about what is actually is. but I’m here to clear all that up and tell you that it’s just like schoolies only 100x better!! We still have beautiful beaches, crystal clear pools, killer themed parties at night and much more! so move away from the typical “schoolies” stereotype and get more bang for your buck by choosing grad trip!

  1. Need help? We have just the right people for that! 

Full of questions that you need answered? 
Well just ask our friendly Unleashed C
rew! Whether it’s about booking, travelling or what to pack before schoolies or about what the theme party is tonight, where the bathroom is etc on island! There is also Red Frogs helping out on island to ensure you stay safe at our killer night parties.


  1. There is WiFi!

Yes believe it or not but there is wifi on our Fiji islands so you can contact your friends and family and post those killer instagram photos that will make everyone wish they were on Grad Trip as well!


  1. Ultimate Party Destination!

We throw killer parties all day and all night no matter where you are! Afternoon pool parties are a must in Fiji along with the awesome themed night parties! Parties don’t go astray in Vanuatu, Cambodia and even Europe either! There is no limit to parties on Grad Trip!

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