Have you brought back more than just memories?

by kylie.goodwin, 5 years ago

Some of you may be feeling those post- holiday blues kicking in, reminiscing on the memories made with an awesome bunch of people. These memories will last a lifetime but you know what you don’t want to last a lifetime? STI’s my friend!

You’re officially out of school now which means you’re an adult! Congrats! And a part of adulting is taking responsibility for your sexual health, so you can keep those good vibes rolling on for many more years to come.

Every person at one point or another has been terrified at the idea of STI testing; I thought it would be this awkward, embarrassing, painful experience, but how wrong was I! It’s as easy as peeing in a jar, that’s literally it! No examinations needed!

Just ask the GP for a sexual health check-up. Go with a mate for the first time and grab an ice cream afterwards.

STI testing is the responsible and sensible thing to do. Here’s why:

  • STIs don’t always have symptoms so testing is the only way to know.
  • STI testing is completely confidential and usually free with a Medicare card.
  • Anyone who has had sex should get an STI test even if you have used condoms.
  • Young people should be tested for STIs when they change partners or at least every year.

Don’t stress about the results because STIs are treatable. Chlamydia, which is the most common STI, is treated with just two antibiotic tablets. Ah huh, it's that easy!

Also, thanks to Nurse Nettie, you can do an online screening from the comfort of your own home to see if you should get an STI test. How cool is that?

And as always, I’m speaking from personal experience, so check out the Play Safe website for more info about testing, where to get tested and much more.

Be smart and Play Safe!

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