Unleashed Grad Trips Blog: fiji schoolies

The Mescia Twins Take On Unleashed Grad Trips 2018

by kylie.goodwin, 6 years ago

Hey Guys! We were fortunate enough to spend some time in Fiji with the Unleashed Grad Trips crew! We had the most amazing week, it was honestly so much fun!…

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5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Grad Trip!

by Amy Davis, 7 years ago

So for all you lucky year 12 students who are counting down the final days til you go to schoolies or you very patient year 11 students waiting anxiously to…

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Parents… We got them covered!

by Amy Davis, 7 years ago

For most parents, this is the first time your child is travelling overseas without you and that can be very stressful. But we are here to assure you that you…

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My Fiji Grad Trip over Schoolies anyday!

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

Being in our last years of school for good is something my friends and I are super stoked about, so we wanted to suss out a way to go out…

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