Unleashed Grad Trips Blog: schoolies


by Kyle Bahr, 5 years ago

Need some reasons why Unleashed Grad Trips is the only option you should be considering to celebrate Schoolies? We don’t have 13 of them… But we have a very convincing…

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Cameron Field – Unleashed Grad Trips Vlog

by kylie.goodwin, 6 years ago

HEYYYYYYY guys! Here is my vlog from my trip to Fiji celebrating the end of high school! Thank you so much UNLEASHED for being so amazing to work with, I…

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5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Grad Trip!

by Amy Davis, 7 years ago

So for all you lucky year 12 students who are counting down the final days til you go to schoolies or you very patient year 11 students waiting anxiously to…

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Best Beach Safety Tips For Schoolies Week

by Kyle Bahr, 7 years ago

Protect yourself from the sun using sunscreen, clothing and sunnies. You don’t want to spend the week in pain because you didn’t wear sunscreen on your first day at the…

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